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Queen Shroob (Fan-made)

Queen Shroob

Queen Shroob is the Queen of all the Shroobs. She is the mother of the deceased Elder Princess Shroob and the younger Princess Shroob.


Shadow Queen Shroob (Fan-made)

Shadow-like Queen Shroob

Queen Shroob resembles Elder Princess Shroob's true form albeit with additional arm and leg tentacles and a silver crown and massive size. When she is Young, the Queen Shroob resembled the younger Princess Shroob. She sits on the throne.


Queen Shroob cared a lot for her children and swears her life into avenging her daughters' death at the hands of the Mario Bros.


  • Elder Princess Shroob- Daughter (Deceased)
  • Princess Shroob- Daughter (Deceased)
  • Younger Princess Shroob- Daughter
  • Prince Shroob- Son


Ancient Abilities[]

  • Magic Nullification: Queen Shroob is able to strip away mystic powers and magic from enemies via a scream.


Main article: Shinto Christian Mythology

Early Life[]

At the Shroob Planet orbiting the Planet Dens, The young Queen Shroob watches her daughters invade the Mushroom Kingdom along with her sister because Planet Shroob was withering. After the death of her daughters, the young Queen Shroob helped Yuki Buxaplenty save the young Yoko Gekko, who would get revenge on the Humans for killing her parents. Her army consiting of Shroobs killed the "Hylian Poachers" causing the humans to be on the brink of extinction. Queen Shroob and the Shroobs have visited Dens in the Pescan Era, although the bird-shaped ruins in Glyphic Canyon and Sky Troops are revealed to be flying temples transported to Earth by Queen Shroob's Fleet over two thousand years ago. The Queen Shroob's work force have built the Chaos Garden consiting of ancient treasures, Chaos Emeralds and Ninja scrolls to ensure the story of the Mushroom Kingdom in the Third Pescan War's end.

Birth of the Galactic Eggman Empire[]

Prior to the birth of Paul Gekko, Yuki takes part of School's Out!: The Musical event. Timmy and his friends are released for summer vacation and begin causing havoc for Konohatropolis thanks to the Pixies intensifying the children's fun (Kids Just Being Kids). Looking for an answer, the parents are introduced to Flappy Bob who recommends the kids be put in his Learnatorium before they get hurt and cause the parents any more harm (Get Flappy). AJ, Chester, and Francis are dropped off at the Learnatorium.

The car of the Turner family pulls up in the Learnatorium driveway. Timmy's father takes Francis, who is too large to fit down a "child drop-off" chute, and throws him out of the way so he can drop Timmy in. Timmy's parents are relieved as they can now do whatever they want.

With all the kids trapped in the Learnatorium with nothing to do, H.P. and Sanderson ping to Timmy and convince him that the root of all his current problems his adults. With coaxing from the Pixies, Timmy wishes that kids were in charge (Adults Ruin Everything /Da Pixie Rap). For some reasons, Yuki have accidentally wished for Shadoloo's Leader; Master Bison being a all-powerful magical leader of Konohagakure and also the extinction of the Shimizu Clan plus the true revival of the Galactic Empire. To make matters worse, Timmy loses his Godparents when Jorgen von Strangle announces to all fairies that Da Rules say they have to be Godparents of the "dominant species of Dens: Hylians. Yuki's Younger Brother ends up getting Cosmo and Wanda and Poof as godparents and godbrother and Queen Shroob have built the "Shroob Kingdom in the Island of "Krusty". Due to this, the Shroob Queen gave birth to her daughter and son to honor her elder daughters' legacy.

New Background[]

Pre-Mega Man ZX Shippuden/The Many Adventures of Paul Gekko[]

Early Life[]

Main article: Shinto Christian Mythology
The Wrath of Queen Shroob

At the Shroob Planet orbiting the Planet Dens, The young Queen Shroob was born to rule the Shroob Kingdom. However, the Planet Shroob was withering. Queen Shroob went to ancient Planet Dens and met Satan Ōtsutsuki, who was the mastermind behind ancient history. Satan Ōtsutsuki enlisted her into his inner circle in a bid to create the very perfect future. Queen Shroob watched as her daughters took over the Mushroom Kingdom by kidnapping Queen Pesca VIII. However, when the Mario Bros. defeated her daughters, most members of Satan's inner circle gave her some space as she was enraged about the death of her daughters but was raising her son. Satan Ōtsutsuki was painfully aware of her daughters' failures and gave her a new assignment, conquer the Spade Kingdom with the help of the Dark Triads. She accepted this task by sending her army to the continent of wizards known as Fiore. Queen Shroob stole three out of twelve Celestial keys from Lucy Heartfilia before being frozen in the aftermath of the Fiore Civil War.

Mid and Post-Mega Man ZX Shippuden/The Many Adventures of Paul Gekko[]

Freedom Civil War[]

Release and Escape[]

A few centuries later, In the beginning of the Freedom Civil War, the Atlantic Pirates were looking for the ancient weapon that could defeat the Evil Emperor Eggman. When they pulled it out of the pedastal, Queen Shroob and her followers broke free along with the weakend state of Fairy Tail Wizards. The Atlantic Pirates have to hold Queen Shroob's army off and prevent them from escaping from the Gourmet Graves while Fairy Tail attempted to fight her, but she proved to be able to match them in combat. Their efforts were further hindered when Queen Shroob shouted, nullifying the magic and mystic powers of Fairy Tail. Queen Shroob instructed Prince Shroob to open the Genesis Portal so they could retrieve their spaceship, the Techno-Shroob.

Although the Atlantic Pirates and the weakened state of the TMNT tried to stop them, their efforts are hindered when the weakened state of the Foot Clan have proven to overpowered them allowing the Shroobs to successfully retrieve the Techno-Shroob.

Final Battle and Death[]

In the last desperate push, Queen Shroob and her army protected the Techno-Shroob from the Atlantic Pirates, the vengeful Fairy Tail, and the Super Mario Bros. and are slain in the battle, dealing a crippling blow.


The Younger Princess Shroob and Prince Shroob were eventually spared by Paul Gekko's mercy, allowing them to return to their original home planet.


  • "I'm finally... FREE! The Mario Bros. of this planet... will pay for what they've done to my children!" - Queen Shroob’s first words declaring his upcoming revenge on the Mario Bros. after being freed from the ice prison.
  • "Fairy Fiends!" - Queen Shroob’s taunt at weakened state of Lucy Heartfilia and other Fairy Tail Wizards.
  • "My Children! Time for us to finish magic fight with these pathetic wizards and prove that the Shroob Empire is Number One!" Queen Shroob’s speech to her army.
  • "You'll be judged for what you've slain!" - Queen Shroob’s words to Paul Gekko.
  • "I'll crush you until your hearts are stilled, Pesky Plumbers!" - Queen Shroob’s last words to Mario and Luigi before being slain by Paul Gekko.

