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Yamata no Suna

Yamata no Suna

Yamata no Suna was a Eight Headed and Eight Tailed Puppet Dragon sealed within the Kouichi Mizawa of Sunagakure. It was a Deadly Puppet-Like Tailed Beast.

Appears in:[]

Shinto-Christian Mythology


The Appearence of the Puppet Dragon was seemed to be the resemblance to the Fortezza Yamata Himika in Mazinger Z Series and it has wheels and has Eight Heads with each Separate Power: Iron Sand, Gold Dust, Water, Fire, Wind, Black Strings, Poison and Lightening.

Heads of Suna[]


The Center Head that breathes Iron Sand adapted by the former Jinjuriki of Shakaku.


The Second Head that beathes Gold Dust adapted by the Fourth Kazekage.


The Third Head that Breathes Chakura string to attach any Shinobi into a Puppet.


The Fourth Head that Breathes Fire to burn any Enemy into Dust.


The Fifth Head that Breathes Water to cause Flash Floods.


The Sixth Head that Breathes Poison.


The Seventh Head that breathes Lightening.


The Eighth Head thar Brearhes Tornado like Bullet. It takes the Form of an Air Bullet.


Rau la Crescent rampaging Iwagakure

Raul attacking the Village

Makura the Wife of the Eighth Kazekage died when Kouichi Mizawa was born and the Puppet Dragon was sealed within the Backpack and Kouichi became a Jinjuriki. Ophanimaru's Story was reminded to Honey D. Paul that the Eighth Kazekage was banished from the Sunagakure for making the Best Kamui Puppet for Chiyo and passed the Sand Counsel to the Fourth Kazekage. He was traveling to the Underground Village, Kamuigakure: Village of the Hidden Cores. The Kazekage met the two Elders, who use to have 8 Daughters and The Puppet Dragon ate 7. The Eighth Kazekage carried Eight Wagons carrying the Eight Barrels filled with Sake and made the Serpent Drunk. The Kazekage wielded the Golden Sword summoned from the Heavens and was able to defeat the Serpent and sealed it into a Backpack and Married the Elders' Eighth Daughter, Makura, Who died in childbirth and have two sons, Kouichi Mizawa and Koji Kagami.
